The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 Tufwiav, Dec. 1 197'0 --t At the Statehouse GOP To See 1 Salary Levels for Legislators AiiS-Ski P14ii, t. -179. 11'0-1iodi-47t: seller of the -vehicle. and the odometer A the pun.

ishment of -anyone who mutilates a Unitil States flag. -Another bill.wolild require the disclosure o( all persons with direct or indirect interests in eon Quinn said the meas--. ure is aimed at exposing the infiltratiOn of legitimate business by organized crime. I Australia (AP) Pope Pal: il NI celebrated- High Alass tonight at Sydney's Rand- race track before a throng If 200.000 as small-. group of militant Protestants planned the first hostile demonstration of the papal tvur.

-s The crowd. wras one of fh- I largess -1qer assembled in a closed area Australia, but it. was only two-fifths of the 560.000 officials of the papal tour bad pre, dieted. of he of a it 00 4 0 BOSTOIN (All A bill es" tablishing d- five-member cornd- mission to recommend pay raises for- the state legislature was flied Monday- as part of a 26-bill Republican legislative package. "The pay bill, similar to a ilieWare fited by House Repub- licans last is deMgned to be a yardstick Which will Velimi nate the stigma of the lure setting its WTI rate- of pay," saidstafe Rep.

Francis Hatch R-Beverly, Who presented -the- package at a news conference. "It- calls for -the governor to name an- individual who specialiu izes in Personnel acirpinistra. tion, a member of a legislative 'leadership from another state, a president of a college or univer-sity located within but not oat ated the commonwealth and two other Hatch said. The commission-Would submit its recdmmendations in June ev, try two years, to be considered is by the legislature When it con- venes the following January. --This year, should the proposal adopted, the commission 'would be file its recd.

in March. Other proposals in the pack- age, which. is sponsored by 36 House Republicans, include ones which would: Limit legislative sessions to iThe Pope celebrated' thellass i at an altar erected just. above l'' the race results board. Flags in the papal colors of yellow and --1' hite and.

a background of ochre, cloth draped the pari1tnu'1 tuel boardS- On each side. Addressing the crowd, Pope Paul warned Australians not to substitute 'hedonism" and for moral and spiritual dimension," You moral and religious spirit stands at-the summit," the Pope continued. but he warned with societies as ss ve in id of pe to us as Bills Filed BosroN cArl With Wednesday's deadline for fiHng bills- for the next- session of the legislature coming at a triSp-f pace, the offices of the state House and Senate clerks have deluged With proposed legislation during the past days. Among them is a series of gills to liberalizellissachusetts labor laws, sponsored by the -state Labor Council, AFL-. 'CIO, and filed by Sen.

Samuel D-Boston. k. 1 i 4 t- 1 1 UPI A YOUNG CA3IBODIAN goldier, a jungle, shouhlers a 30-ca1ilwr atvontatie cloth.wrapped around his head to soak, eapon as his unit prepares to attack. a up perpiration it't inteose heat of the Viet Cong stronghold near Wat Thei. 4 ,...047.11 UPI liatic ek a 'Pei- SAIGON.

(AP) An enezj rocket wrecked- an American medical station in- South Viet- nam Monday killing or wound- ing the entire staff, and in Phnom Perth a bomb exploded 1 in the 1.7.,S. Embassy at dawn but injured no one. Meanwhile, the Viet Cong an- nounced its forces would oberve three-day cease-fires in Vietnam fa; Christmas and New. Year's and a four-day cease-fire. the Tet festival of the New Year at the end of January.

South -ernment 'sources said the allies would declare cease-fires for the same holidays but would not announce them until shortly before each holiday. They will probably be The medical dispNisary was smashed during a 20-round rocket barrage on the Chu Lai 1- camp, headquarters of the, U.S. Americal Division 50 miles south of Da Nang. It was the trst rocket or mbrtar attdck on -Chu Lai since June 19. Less Than Dozen Hurt Field reports said one of the 100-poimd, missiles -tore through the roof of the first aid station about 4.p.m.

The reports said there were no patients in the dispensary, but less than a dozen Americans on the staff were killed or wounded. The U.S.. Command's security regulations. prohibit disclosing specific. casualty figures in such attacks.

The bombing in Phnom Penh yell off as Australia's, suing the Is satisfied that, if property is sought, -it -might easily be destroyed or. if notice is given, the notification would endanger the life of the officer. A proposal filed by Rep: Ed, Wiard Coup', D-New Bedford, would require students and lac-. ulty at any institution of higher learning to sign contracts re-' quiring their eipulsion if they engaged in demonstrations which resu)ted in a breach of the peace on or near The school's property. Rep.

Paul Murphy, D-Boston, filed a measure which would re- the commissioner of insur- ance to establish a -system of hospital and medical insurance for state residents effective Jan. r1 1972. A bill filed by Rep. James A. O'prien D-Fall River, would increase the scope 'of the state's, Master Tax Plan Commission to permit taxing life insurance companies in Police would have to the owner of a stolen motor ve; hicle within 24 hours that.the ve1' hick had been- recovered.

under legislation latd IDy McCann for the American Automobile Association. Bar Exam Probe BOSTON The, state attorney general's office closed Monday that it is in the midst of an investigation of res ports that some applicants for the Massachusetts bar exam Paid for advance information about questions on the non. A spokesman said the ney general's office began its investigation last August at the request of the Massachusetts r13Sr Association. He said the investigation is fo- cusing on alleged improprieties concerning the exam. adminis-, in December, 1969.

He declined to disclose details of the investigation but said ind Nestigators "are talking to bun-I dreds of people." He also noted that the site where the nual exam is printed has been switched as a result of the al kged information leak. One newspaper report said applicants may have paid as 7 as $1,000 for advance in- formation about the exam. The same report, which appeared in the Lowell Sun, said investigators have obtained affidavits from some persons alleging that information about the exam was available in advance. investigation is belng con' ducted by the organized crime unit in he criminal division of the attorney general's office. the danger of forgetting life's moral and spiritual.

dimension." "Then what emptiness in the heart," he dearfed. The crowd responded with mild applause. A tiny group calling itself the Australasian Alliance of Bible. Believing Christian Churches planned to parade with' placards of the Sydney town hall Wednesday night while the 73- year-old pontiff held an ecumenical prayer servfce inside -with Anglian, Methodist Baptist and'Lutheran church leaders. he.

le- 'ds 11 was the first terrorist attack on night, Va section of the 50- sent a of military police the U.S. Embassy there since it roombuilding that was being to the 'building, five of them ieopened 15 months ago, rendvated. Four rooms. vre armed with Red China's AK47 the U.S. and Cambodian govern heavily damaged.

assaultrilles. mugs resumed diplomatic relaz-t Of the handful of persons in On the battlefields of Indo.chi- tionS, side the embassy at the time, na, only light and scattered con Col. Chhun Chhuon, the U.S. Marine guard on tact was reported across South rnander xiif Phnom mili- duty was endangered, a spokes- Vietnam. 1 tary police, said two Catnbodian man said, The calnbodian Command an-guards employed by the embas- Despite recent terrorist at- flounced that its infantry and sy and six other persons were tacks in Phnom Penh which navy gunboats had launched opining questioned.

Embassy have killed 25 persons. the em- erations to retake the eastbank sources said they assumed the. bassy was guarded by the of the Prek Khdam ferry which attack was Communist-inspired. lone Marine and two Cambo- 'North Vietnamese and Viet The 50rpound bomb had been After the explosion, the CaptUrt two days planted presumably the Cambodian military command ago. 9 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CAISLIMS One proposal WO uIU extena the collective bargaining law to agricultural and tobacco establishments and to migrant farm workers.

Another measure would include federal and state election days- in the state's legal holidays. A commission to study the act, 3'isability of directing the-regis- trar of motor vehicles identification cards to persons over age 21 who do not possess a driver's license would be created under a measure filed by Sen. John F. Parker, RTaunton, R. McIntyre, DQuincy, filed a bill which 'would increase the witness fee for police from-42 Ipes-day- to $5 day; A measure which would establish a nutrition board and an office of nutrition in the state Public Health Departnent also was filed by McIntyre.

A bill increased penalties for anyone found guilty of wilfully interfering with a law enforcement officer in the performance of his duties was filed by Sen. Francis X. McCann, D-Cambridge. McIntyre and Rep. Arthur Tobin, D-Quincy, jointly filed a bill which would permit police, acting on a search warrant, to break into a premise without notice, provided that the judge 1 1 I Provide tuition assistance for state employes.

Require registration or air contamination sources. the Governor's Council: Ban. disposable bottles. Require a two-thirds legislative vote on any measure which would increase costs for cities and Create a study on of alleviating rush hour congestion in the Greater Boston area. Establish guidelines- for arbitration in MBTA disputes.

Antiertme Bills BOSTON State. Atty. 'Gen. Robert H. Quinn has filed two 'bills for the next session of legislatugre which would stiffen penalties for bombers and those caught manufacturing' illegal -explosives; Quinn 'also said Monday that he will file an amendment which would eliminate the preamble to the ganized -crime preamble to the Sears 'a.

4, c7.1i.fil;m 1 '2- lit- 4 Yotir Choice tiv To Plv state's The bill would allow wiretap's by law eh- Claim forcement officials to gather ev- $150,000 Claim 11 4o 4.0,IV itt7J)4. I 1 1 A1 1 1 idence on bomb hoaxes and vio- 11 lations Of the anti-bombing stat- or AB3 1 I 1 A i Ines. 11 Unde I aimed at NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. (AP) the' proposed legislation Federal and state govern. anyone con.

milts have agreed tentativety 11 tir 1 1 tqlt: 1 I II I 1414k.1 S. 2 4S, victed bombing offense that will pay $150,0 which-results In death would be for damages to a 280-acre site subject to life imprisonment. off Route 114 that was seized for The present law provides a an antiballfstic missile site neymaximum 20-year prison sen- er tence for causing death though The figure was disclosed, Mon. bombing, Quinn said. day at a hearing here by A related bill would place fire- Frank P.

Baine of the Army bombs in th same category as Corps of Engineers. and Corn. other explosives and apply. the missiOner Arthur Brownell Ome penalties. Quinn said the the Massachusetts Department present penalty for the manu- of Natural Resources.

facture or firebombs is The site will become a less than the penalty for use Of $500,000 state recreational faciliother types of bombs. ty, to be constructed with tmatching federal and state Other proposals in Quinn's It J. 1 ilciiiiv!) ft L. Daurrotis Tpys 'BOSTON (AP) Noting that Only specific lair on. the hooks (in Massachusetts) concerning toks is the one which prohibits the sale of toys coated with material containing the state Consumers Council Monday issued a list of types of toys considered dangerous to children.

They included: Dart gathes, with sharp jectiles. --Blow guns. Noise maldng guns. Toy and toys Tor molding plastic and casting metal. Toys that have glasl that could break.

Electric toys that must be plugged 'in unless they have a UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.) seal. Toys that make excessively loud noise such as capItins and air guns. Case Included Cabinet Eneluded rtj 4 Portable "crime include: funds. A. bill providing for stenog- Brownell said an area excaraphers during grand jury pro- vated by the Army for 'the ABM ceedings.

A stenographer is facility will become a swim-present currently only at the re- ming area If thelentative set-quest of the attorney general or tlement is approved by, a court, district he said work may begin in the bill amending the automo- spring on a picnic area; riding bile registration law, to include trails, a stable area, snowmothe name and address ortbe bile tract and restrooms. Cabinet Model A gift please her for years to come! Lets her sew family clothing, mend and darn in a jiffy. Sews straight stitches forward and reverse. With walnut. finish hardwood cabinet included.

$58 Versatile Kenmore to make clothing, mend, darn, sew on buttonssew buttonholes, monogram and applique! Sews zigzag and straight stitches mes with handy carryino case 58. Italy's Lawmakers Pass Divorce Bill; Pope.Dettounces Act as Peril to Family Floor Care Apphanee Gifts Great Values 1 H.P. (peak output) 0 Canister, -Vac ts Powerful suctl'on and, -lir 1 complete attachments. For all types of clean- 4 I ---7. f.

,1 11 ing and dustjng, oo 7 a -8. )' Canister Vac, Attachments' Suction power to vacuum carpets iiitt-7 furniture. 5-pc. attachments. Buy now! loott I 4 all 4 $4 ir i ii Your ehoiee .1 Your Choice 11 tit Your Choice 2 Home and Car Vac II Al 95 ROME (AP) The Chamber sacred concept of the family." Pope Pius xr which established churcha-vstate ivilreslatatitottsnstoinRolmtaalny dofa yDeopnutaie laOicip pot hneeyn in Italy and Pope Paul VI de through a referendum.

Catholic marriages, eff ti 1 ec ve it as damaging to fami- After, President Giuseppe Prohibiting- Annulment flounce -ly-life and relations between Ita- agat signs the bill and it is pub- by the church's Sacred Rota has ly and the Roman Catholic lished formalities expected been the only way to dissolve an Chtirch. with a few weeks an estimat- Italian marriage. 1 The pontiff interrupted his ac ed 500,000 legally separated- WI de Support -tivities in Australia to dispatch ians will be able to begin legal a message expressing "pro- steps divorce. Tiftee The divorce bill Was pushed ftnind suffering" over the hill. time that number are believed by the Socialists, the The Pope's, strongly separated without court (te lusts and the 'conservative Lib- indicated that he did not consid- crees.

Premier Emilio er, the matter closed On. a diplo- Approval In Christi the Chamber 'of an Democrats, The Vatican has Deputies was a virtual- certain- Italy's Roman Catholic party. previously issued official protest ty, since it passed the bill a had the support only of the tiny notes to the Italian government year ago and was acting only on Neo-Fascist party. Over the divorcepbill and anoth- minor Senate changes The dep. A national referendum may er is reportedly being preparsed.

uties approved each amended take 'Many months to realize. The Catholic Church' does not section during the night, thin Parliament, now iiconsidering a recognize divorce: approved the package, 31286 'hill eMpowering the voters to before dawn. i nullify laws or revise the consti- Referendum Not Mentioned I lion such bill would be The bill's. principal provisioO -u an a Although the Popes state- allows 'divorce after legal sepa- necessary before a referendum. ment was strong, it was noted ration of five years.

But even the "divorzisti" Sr 7 -7-' a i A that call divorce Italiansconcede that a did no ea on a th I es Legal experts sa yi ts me to try to repeal the law by plexity and Italy's 'jammed popular vote Could go either endum. This was true also of an courts could keevd-ivorcecases editorial in today's Vatican dai-r-iti litigation for up to five Besides the flveyear' separa, ly and Statement by the Attorneys expect fees to the bill proVides the follow- Pope's vicar Of Rome. front $640 to almost $2,000, huge ink grounds for divorce: The vicar, Car'dinal amounts for Italians in the A spouse is sentenced to 15 DelrAcqua, said this center.of er income brackets. or more years in jail. Roman Catholicism Nv a 'Morti, 0Parliame' 0 ted or, nt has wrangled over One is convicted mces fled by the legalization of di: the issue for five years duringIttemated murder of family 1 in Italy.

h. ich the Vatican repeatedly' members. The cardinal said parliament attacked divorce as "contrary One is ruled insane' and unhad inflicted a "unilateral to the law of God and fit for family life by a criminal wound" to the Concordat family interests The Holy See court. mans, he added, felt "bitterness contended legalization' I IS a foreign citizen and and delusion that canna serve violate the 1929 Lateran Pacts obtains a divorce abroad. the true progress of the nation or concordatbetween Musso- -LA-marriage is not consum'ml because it strongly impairs the bni and a representative of mated.

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The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.