The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


PARSONS IKS roil I'ltiv vri: km.i: rr.r.KtioLp ntoptiTir-j, I) t) RALE, llll" I'VY. It'll. tllll'AY. Oil rhrsme Ite. W.ii.-r,.-i pntlcni rb.ii,, Gia.swsri, and At kV, Autl.oarcr-, r.l.,tiert.

Illls IHY, 11 1. MilTI.Ur.l Fur sale br Anctlua. IJO I'H of OIL I'MNriNGs Ol.liOI.IIAl'IIS 'hom*os LITHOGRAPHS. Ae. The rcuiaimng STof'K olan 1M HOI sE thi-branch of tin -r b.i.:m-;-.

To Picture Hnyets, sml lutnltnre aiehousemca, I TAlllilM and AC MAS havo been instructed sell I JL aboTs bv AK I ioN. al thnr ROOMS, Tills DAY.tlih II No irnr. Term, at 1 1UDAY, Uth KEI'l'EMIIEIL SINGUI.M'.I.Y ATTRtrTIVF. StI.E II ArCTION. I Oiler in.lrurlinn.

from Mllis. vy limn HERS, II Ml I.NTIl'.I.I.Y MAY SHIPMENT MUST sUFEIIB AND tCTER, i lil.liGANr WOIK I.STEH DINNER SKI slTF.Illl llVMt-I'llMllll Tl unit UKssr.ltr SHIS Toll. I is in sen' SI IT.UIOK WA.ili, ami ol the MON'I DKsll.Ns CllOlfr. HAMS-FAINTED Vsl I'ARTII UIARI.Y IllNliOMIi ll.OWi r. STtNI'S on siivrrrd I rruc-tnl.

Ill Al Til I LI.Y IIAMi-l'AINTlill Hlll lll'KIS WIIKTIs. I'ltOsslS. Av. AM1F.I. FONTS.

Sites' HEADS, LOWER I'llTS rulll I I. UN ll.OWI.lts and IU. I Ills, l. KI TS i IHT AsMllilMI ol CHIN NICK-NACKS in snt Vsriclv nt psllini. e.mipr.-iea t.l F.I Id.H (illl.l and WHITE MO-s, AlTl.l.

Ill.tissoM, HOLLY, MlsTI.1 I'OI Ac, A. l'Altl. MMlllI.E Sliri'MiV. eomvrl.lng I.IFF-MKr'tt H'l-l-ol the I'HINCIi ol WALKS. GLADS ION Mil.

A III, lll.l.Tllovr.N, antlnliici SUI'llHIt CI ais.l ENGUIVI.U In s- ttc DFCtMFKS JIGS GllilUirs. MHLI.Ks Ac, cut IIo'sKS' HEADS, DOGS, Ac, A-. To Connoisseurs, lt i.ur.. Fancy Warehousem*n, other-. HA K1US and ACKMAN have recoinxl Instrueliona Horn MI FRAY BROS, to sell lir snc'lon.

at llirir ROOMS, on llillvw, September 10, at II o'clock. 1 aVt.Tc ard recherche asrtment iml.nain'.cd iiiiiia, iu: Ac. tc Norese. Telia, snie. ON VIEW THURSDAY and MORNING OF SALE.

TO-MOIlilliW, Till ltsDAV. IJ'h in-tsli', at 11 prompt." 4-t ROUGH linoWNS CAMBRIC 1- WELSH and ELECTORAL Fl.aNNKLS 2- 1 and 4-t FLOOR an.l SIM It Cl.lii II I RirssLKY'S TU'I STHY CIRI'ETS and RI GS MEN'S and HOYS' CLOTHING Vr.sls, PANTS, and HALF-HOSE ltLVCK FELT HATS, ic. Now ex Western Monarch and The, ilus. CII AS. MOORE and CO.

have received tmsitive in.truc. lion, to sell auction, at their 'io-MORHOW, llll li-LAV, jth Instnn', at II o'clock piompt, Invoices tho uImvc gol-,;rit iiii; 2 esses 4-4 rough browns, a.sortid numti.Ts I case snd csinbiie han.ikcrrhle:s,'ltcr.inicd boxed I ba.e 4t Wilsh flannels, criniton li-t 1 list electoral 1 ditto scarlet flannel-, as-ottrd ea-cs 2-4 stuir cloth. 3 ditto 4-4 ditta di'to s-l ditto 3 hilest ro. tpc.trr caipct-, iUsU.y 1 bale hearlhruKS two i.umbei. 1 case dress gissts, consisting of s'laces, fsncy mohairs, Porupaduir ttgored iu.lrcs, Ate.

1 ditto beilliar.tines, as-orlcd liu.iihrrs 1 ditto is: and Ins in. nvs iiinMaitn nets I dillo men's blue diagonal 1 ditto ililto black n-niisutilit ditto 1 ditui dillo blsek due I bale fottais 1 ditto 30-liich dillo 1 ditto lo-inch tl.iv 1 dttto tts-iiicli ditto I ca-e Woedr.iw's stiff felt its I ditto renca rashtn, re-, aoi ted 1 ditto nurino pauts and h.ilf-ho-.. Terms st -a'c. Instant, at tl sua CHIMNEY and TOILET iron ii iivi i.ns FRI lll.NWAKl. t.LAssw lltli ci.ornns FISHING I.1SI' SPADES and sllllVt.I.s, Ac To close account.

CHAS. MOOItli and II). havo bent instructed l.y the eimsiirnei's to bv utinn, tl.e-.r ll.i.m-. FRIDW nei. M-h til 11 simp, ol the above Full nat tleo'ar- on '1 hurs.l vr next.

WEDNESDAY. SI II. Sl GROCERIES, OILMEN'S STORES, Ac. FRASKR and CO. will sell bv anetion, al Ihe Citv Matt, THIS DAY, September 1 1, at il o'eloi silll'MliXTS OF AHOA 1 THIS DAY, IL CURRANTS.

OX ACCOUNT OF WiToaTiT MAY CONCERN. By Order of the rs. ASF.R and CO. will sell bv auelion, at the City Mart, luis u.Al, scptemner it. at n.

A. no al. ftulls. 32 case currant. For Sale, Schooner Prompt.

IJIRASElt and CO. will sell by aucliun, on THURS. DAY, 1Mb instant, at 1 1 o't lock, schooner Prompt, aa she now lies at I'crmont. She is welt found in anchors, chains, sails. Masu ami nearly new.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON, September 13, At o'clock. At tiie City Mart. RED PI DEALS, LI TIlliSSALUS. The Timber it now landed and stacked on the Ccntial (late Cosmopolitan) AVharl, where iutrnding purchasers may inspect. BVORDKtOF Metsrt.

PALGLTY, IILACKAA tiOD, tnd Co. FRASER and Co. will sell br auetion. at tho City Mart, on THURSDAY. September 3 o'clock, rt'sft red pine deals, 9x3 383 ditto dillo, II 3.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON, September 13, At the City Matt, at 3 o'clock. 2li.0OO FEET PlNEsl' DRY CLEAR PINE, JUST LANDED, ex AVI 1. 1.1 AM DUTU1E, At DIUlls' AVHAUF. The Timber IS STACKED on the wharf and on view to intending Purchasers. Important to Timber Merchants Builders, Contractors, and others.

Samplct from Bulk at the Rooms of tho Auctioneers. I71RASER and Co. will sell by auction, at the Cily Mart, on THURSDAY', September 13, nt o'clock, Et AVillialli Dulhio, 737 pieces first qualitr drv clear pine, measuring 20.21W Pvt. FRIDAY, SKf riiMllKI! loth, at II O'CLOCK, AT THE CITY MAUI'. FIRST PRITK EXIIIHITIOS ORGANS, from the NEW ENGLAND ORGAN COMPANY.

UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE IMPORTERS. FRASER and CO. hnvo received instructions tn sell bv suction, at the Citv Mart, on September 10th, at 11 o'clock, 12 first prize American organs, from 4 to in stops, suitable for church. schools, private families, Ate. These instruments may be In-pected and tried at the Rooms of the auctioneer prior to sale.


XKWTOX, i.nd I.AMI1 lmve wci'ved IS inst nc iiins to sell by am linn, at lioiu," IMdilin-t'im, on FRIDAY, tilth September, at II SUBSTANTIAL 1101 SlillOI.D lURNll'UllF. AND EFFIitit*. RIVERSTONE, SALE WTTIIOFT RESERVE. TORRENS' TITLE. EASY TERMS.

ORANGERIES, FARMS, TO AYS LOTS, RAILWAY FRONTAGES, tnd joining STATION. vrN.A, lit PTiMrrg. to Ca-et sltutK l.alia'ilrrd Iron LA7AKT8 and CO. will sell tho bv au. lion, then NYAliD-M 1, at II HAY.

Term, st XVEDXtslHY. ll'h flCMIiLlt. lOTon. IOMm.N Willi I It AD. I.AARLS and t).

will sell I lie above, bv a Al I tlliN, al thr llo.uii'. at II o'clock. Terms at Wl.liNt.MIAY. Illh M.I'TKMItl'.H. lloxe.

10 co*ke I.AZAltrs anj CO. will sell the ar-e bv ail, at their Wmysr.1 Irerl, .1 II o'clock rll 1 IA WKIiMSIiAY. I4lh MKPTEMIItR. 1 1 ar. H.1.CTRHPIAU.U WARK Jlw.1 I ll.t.l'.Y 3Ca'istlirMIWAKK 2 TIN TKVY-.

TIN sraorsniKKM'itKws 3 I ArcolillEONs s-os I'IPKn, Ac. UNDI'lt INTr.rCTION PIIOM THE COSsHlXOIlS. F.VFRV LINK FUR UNRKMERVKR LE. TI AZ AIU'S and CO. will tell the above bv auction, their llooms, W.nyaid-.tretl, at II o'clock, litis Term alc.

niiDAY, inn WINE and SALK. INI'KK ISi-flilVlKlN I mi: conmgnkfs. JI.AAKLSandCO. will aell tbo aWe, bv order of a the cau.lgnre. on HI DAY.

IC'h scpicinbrr. at 11 o'clock. ull psiticultirs in Wrdnisda'. Hiral.l. IlifWy ATrmCTIVi: and rMtKERYEI hr Auction, on the ntl MISES, Pond-street, bv order ol Messrs.

TIIOM. WKI11I and SONS, who are reaoving to new The whole of the VAI.I AIII.P. and Open Mock, In I II1N, lyir.t Ki.tiN, MAJOLICA Ware, WI1KC ESTER China, RichU at slid Knsiave.l JlagnilirentVENI.riAN EXIIIKITION ClIANDEUtR. tlRONZl.

Mirror Catalogue, in co.iim. of ptcpalaliiin. LOl IS C01IEX has bea favoured with iustrm liont lu.m "Iho-. and tns tn bv auction. their Mores, WEDNESDAY.

th- Slst instant, at 11 o'ork, witliont re-erre. 1 h. whole of their EI.EliAN and COTLV open STOCK. cash. On icw and and Oth instant, and morning ssie.

fi PARTIES WARF.IIOCSR."" MEN, HIIOKF.IIs. and OTHERS. I'NRKSl llVEt) KM.fc BY AUCTION of 31 CASKS IlKsT LONDON-MADE Modrrn Style HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE F.I.K.NT and NEW-FASHIONED PII'R GLASSES I SUPERIOR PUNOF11P.TFS MAGNIFICENT M4KIU.E I.OCkS MAdVE BRASS NEWEsT STYLE GAS CHANDELIERS. sYjT" notice Is rcqne-tcd to the advice witn this shipment of the giK.i. being of excellenl character; and also to to the consignment of a MAGNIFICENT PAIR OK BRONZES, bv llnrie." Pari.

SuVee; "TheSIACiS AT BAY." weighing PURE UUuNfc. Now tsnding ex Ml MONAIttil, front Ixuidon. Under instructions from Messrs. CATTELL and UO. LOUIS COHKN hot bean favoured with instructions to sell bv suction, al the Rooms.

312, George-street, on an early dav, as soon as the whole sic landed, without reserve. Tarahov shiptnert of FASHIONABLE LONDON-MADE FURNITURE and the whnle having been selected trom the best IVKST END HOUSES. Particulars tn future issue. llou ehold Fovniture ami THURSDAY, 1Mb September, at 11 o'clock. Ucd-teads.

Bedding, Wardro'ee, Diessing Tablet, Scalt-, showears, Kitehen Utensils, drc. e. TW. CAMI'KIl and CO. will sell bv pnhlie anetion, eat the R-mms.

ib, Plit-stieet. on THURSDAY, Uth September, st II o'el'iek. 1 he atxive, without resrrve. rerms. cub.

UNDER" RII.L OF SALE. Tills UlY. II, at 2. PARK-TERRACE. AI.nlllN-STRIiF.T, off EllraVth-ttrect, 1111,111 ATTRAl TIVK SALE of EI.EOANTtnd USEFUL HOUSEHOLD KUItMTl RKand EFFECTS, comprising China, Glass, Cotlerv, FJevtroplaled Ware Carpets, Ileaniiniev, Oilcloth Hsndfome (ill.T PIER GLASSES, Lustres, Voles ELEGANT Drswing-ronm Suite Walnut Inlaid I'EN I HT.

TAtll.K; CIITFFON1F.R, plate-glatt btck HArninnumi. Oil p.ilmm.r, W'ttrr Colonrt Furniture Singer's Sewing-Macl-tne, in perfect order Pair IlUCill.ssK roll I TS. with ware MASSlVi, MAIIIH.ANY doors Cedar Chests Drawers, Commodes Euclo-eil, ssfes. ne Tables Kitchen Utensils, Ac. A VKRACK and CO.

have rcwived inslroetions to sell by auction. THIS DAY, at II o'clock, at 2ii, Park-terrace, Alhionsstreet, Toe whole of the furniture, fcc. LAVF.RACK and CO. will sell by anetion, II o'clock, unless prerlouslv disposed of. The GOODWILL snd FURNITURE of a large boording-honse, eontoining rooms, 2AI, Kent-street, near Margaret-street.

THIS DAY. 14th instant. at 11 o'clock. INSOLVENT ESTATE OF WILLIAM LAnlAM. HVACGHAN has mvived instruetions from the a official assignee to tell by auction, on the premises, Oxford-street, near Rnurkr-treet, Stoek-in-troile of a stationer, drc.

STOCTS-TirulFroFcllEailST and DRUGGIST. Removed from the Country. HVACGHAN has received instructions to sell by suction, at his Rooms, 132, King-street tt. ff THURSDAY, 13th instant, at II o'clock. wiinont reserve.

THURSDAY, st II O'CTOCK. Intestate Estates of SAMUEL B. PEACE and CHARLES EKKPLE. Trunks, Portmanteaus, clothing Household Furniture and Effects, In the Estate of the late WIf.I.IA'M WILI.OUGIIBT, HcmtelieW FurnRnre, Watchmakers Tools of Trade AU, PIANOFORTE ChiflonlrK Horsehair Couches, Tables, Chtirt Pier Glasses, Safe, Clocks, ricturts SPLENDID WATEIt-COLOUP. and OIL PAINTINGS duch*eSS SUITE, TUBULAR and Other Bedsteads Bedroom Pomiture.

Chest Drawers Kitchen Utensils, tf angle snd Washing Machine Sewing Machines, Hot Water Machine, Ac. VAUGIIAN has received instructions to soli by suction, st bis Rooms 132, King-street East, The above, without reserve. FRIDAY. 16th instant, at 1 1 o'clock. Insolvent Estate Denis Bartgry, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising Chiffoniare.

Coach, Chairs, Pictures, Ornament Carpet. Oilcloth, Tablet Marble Slab Wathttandt, Tnbultr and other Bedsteadl Chests Drawers, Linen Press, Warbrobo Bert mom Furniture Kitchen Utensils, HVATJGHAN has received instructions from th. eAfnelal Assignee to sell by auction, oa the premises, Cum-beriaoA-ttreet, The above. Without reserve. ToBuyert of Dispery and Clothing.

tgT THIS DAY, WEDNESDAY, at 11. tar PRINTS, LUSTRES, SATTEF.NS, Black Cashmeres and Alpacas, Kid Gloves, Silk Ties, Underclothing. Oxford snd Fritted Cotton Shirts, Hosiery, Hats, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes PACKAGES and OPEN STOCK. JAMES RODD will sell by auetion. at the Rooms, 7, Wvnvsrd-street.

THIS DAY. Wednesday. lifts, 'PER II CLOTHING. 12; HOOTS, 12,30. THIS DAT, Wednesday at 11.30." On account of those concerned.

1 CASES LADIES' SILK U.MDRliLLAS. "TAMES RODD will sell by auction, THIS DAY, as vjs adverusea above, wiro au reuiis, ii any, MILK BUSINESS FOR SALE. WILLIAM INGLIS and CO. have received instructions to sell by private contract, or by auction on an early date. The goodwill of a milk business.

In line working order, with the following 14 esceUent to 3 of winch Iwvo newly calved, with calves st foot Horse, milk can, dalrv ntenHls, For particulars apply to WILLIAM INGLIS and Bazaar, 244, Unredeemed Pledges. HL. DUNN and SON will sell by anetion, at thoir roonu, 274, Pitt-ureet. THIS DAY, at II o'clock, Taeaarvdevined pledges ptwned with Mr. A.

P. Tyler, of Oxford-ttreet. consisting of clothing, booto, blankets. IF lEDRRKCT'ITtstSTREliT, are selling cWper utnsver. iocc our great Yi Cattle and i Thuaada.

1ITT, SOX, and HAIir.V.KY haa inatru--. tlnn- to m-11 by auellnii, at II imermh, on I II KM. l.sth lln'elork. is' piimr .1 c-lie, t.if Mer. lladjCC.

JttOlher. Sill KI'. ir-W ptimi- it CriKinn-tl ilnr. etimttf'C fu1 Golb. r'Jl CtUtT and 1 amb, lor Tl.uriU.

I1 TT, sox, and BAlKifcKY liv itvHved inalru-tinn to il bv Mt-tiort, nt and Yara, (u I 111 HMU I "plrijrT, at 11 irtm litult. ed,(nbSrt tM pnmr Uu.b. t-urke-1 CALM 11 piime tit eili-es tntu 1VM. lr.iiii.mi' f' r.ilve. ir.m thlluntrr.

A. A. MAiti: ii 1TT, MX, atid atinetiuee thiil the li.VI.tjKUY Invo the plca-mre fa Nnit'inl aale of tifc- alxT irttinanr'at U-tlK wti; p.4--e at Wtr.iti mImxiI OCI olil.H ntat. The ti lu oib-red th.a will he thout trom 1 ni on tli 2) iM unit, a uul, the -air will be without tin- -i iv-rrve.

The bulla IU be t.nind epeeriintrlv choice lot. and well wot tli the ainntion of huw-n. KOitfiK V'KM will "bv auetton', at Pariml hAY.l'n'.lml,, lUv, earn, ihatf, bran, whe.ti, pautoe. nampkin; and nt 11 Wood, postf, Arc. WILLIAM KNCLIS" "will aWl tv" aitrtioii, JUIS th ludw.y.a: (tu'ibuk, II it j- mid tdinw, bv tin- inn At 11 it'itoek.

Mat ye, oa-, putsttoa, pum-ihiti-, Ac mitk INGl.IS'S STOCK MI.K yTkIH. WILLIAM INf.LlSriTfa-n by snrtlon. at hia Stk Kale Ybids IiWMOKKOW, hur-dar, Setttember 1 at lloVloek, t'i very mp- rior mdih row, with cilm 30 prin1l and 'try I oVivl, 4i prime fat cake, Hreutfcal.Ktne AO ditto frtiQi Map.Un hO ditto ililio. trom rietmi it ditto ditto, fit.m Livnnaol, rcntitli, and Camden prime Ut lurnh, from Yum fft iH.rn-fei porkm Tit ton and Bowral lint ditto, from Camden and llnrrajrorar. tt Mtore pi per rail.

POT A PtV.ATOF'. I'OTATOKS. Tu 1'otaUi Mfrchnntu, Arenu( and f. S. Kk.

Ct)0 I'a-niAiuK Totatoea. I. SON' and IIEWLK1T have received instruetioaa to rrll bv nn T.uanU Itarf. on '1 insunt, al 11 a.m. Kx s.

000 lets to suit pimhairts, i j.h. No J. COfL'l Kit and CO. will sell by attTtionTat tbe Tills DAT. at 2 o'clock.

Pigs. Ac. 17LL1S and CO. will sell bv auction, at Darting Har-J benr, THIS Oo'rlorw, llav, straw, lucerne, maie. pola'oes, ore.

At II o'clock. Wood. TullU'Cftl l.liAl TOBACIXJ LEAK. THIS HAY. at HAULING HAR0OUK, at 10.30 o'clock.

Tit. and S. SMITH have received instructions to sell bv auction, on THIS WEDNESDAY, at 10.30 o'clock. at Darline, bunulra tobacco leaf, nbont three tons. TR.

and 8. rtMlTII win aell by aurtiotirTHIS'DAY, at Darling Harbour, at 9 o'clock. Hay. earn, chad, bran, straw, are. Al New town, at o'clock.

Wood, potts, rails, At D.ulin;? Harbour, at 11 oV.oik, Wood, posts, laiK A c. At Darling Harbour, at lt.30, Tuhaceo leal Tl.MHhK. T1MIIEK. TV R. and S.

SMITH have received instruction! from 1- Mr. Allen to sell be auction, at the obane's Pork HeUd. South Creek, on SATURDAY, Septrmber 17. at 3..10 o'clock. Lease for two year, of all the green and dead timber en the 3S0 acres of land situate on the Rope's Creek, adjpiniug Isickwond nn one sld.

stul Bailey Itrk on the other, at present occupied by Mrs. Ketalltek. DENT and IIOSK1N will sell hv auction, at Newtown Railway Station, THIS DAY, at Wood, Potts, Rail llav. Straw, Chaff, Maire, Potatoes. DENT and H'ORKIN will sell bv auction, at Darling llarhour, THIS DAY, at 0 o'clock, Hay.

straw, ch.u7. tusize, poiatoco. DENT and HftSKIN will sell hrnraVtictiriVaflinVr Harbour. THIS DAY. at 1 1 Wood, Ports, Kails.

"'WOOL and MORT and CO. will aell bv nnblie anetion. at their Wool Warehouses, Circular Quay, TO-DAY, Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, SHEEPSKINS. And 1.Z0, BALES WOOL. Temis, ea.h.

JOHN BUI I)GE will sll bv auTJouTat'tlie saleroom of h'S wool wareboase. Tills DAY, at 3 o'clock. Wool and heenskins Por S.ile by Public Auction. To Produce Merchants, Butchers, Dealers, and others. KRUNKKR and WOLFE have received instructions tu sell bv public auction, at Tate Brothers', SusseX'Strtet, at 2 o'clock, THIS DAY, Uth in.tsnt, nn account of whom It may concern, salvago stock from Ute late fire, contittinu of a quantity of Prime crcv pent Slightly damaged ditto Potatoes Hotter kegs, assorted Butchers' swivel hooks Maiac, potato, and other bagt Cask of Ink Fumigating tloantitv ol sundries.

No reserve. Terms, cash. "THIS DAY. SUPERIOR HOl'aEHOLD HIRJiTTnRE IHuwing-room Bedroom Dining-room Library ANU OTHER FURNITURE Trichord PIANOFORTE, by Aneber Freret excellent mslrurr.eet). 1 Cabinet Scwing-ataehine (Singer's).

CiHARLES T. BURFI'IT, 3S3, George-slrret, bag re. ceivrd instruetions from the Rev. T. J.

Curtis (who is reliequishlcg housekeeping for a period) to offer by auetioo, at the Manse, H2, Redfern-ttreet, Hcdfrrn, The whole of his carefully-selected furnitnrr. Terms, cash. iaJT The HOUSE t. LET, 2r To GROCERS, CONFECTIONERS, ami OTHERST THIS DAY', W'ednesday, at 11 o'clock. ALEXANDER MOORE and CO.

are instructed by Mr. Freestone, Jam manufacturer. Purkis-treet, off Lyens-stiect, Campcrdown, to sell by anetion, at the above manufactory, on aceonnt of bis retiring from business. The whole of th stock-in-trade, working plant, aopyers, consisting of Bottled fruits, assorted lams bag! of sugar 4 large coppers, fruit cotters Avrry't scales snd weight First-class spring-cart, lamps Horse and harness, sIo The whole of the household furniture and effects. A.

MOORE and Auctioneers, Pitt-street. LEXAN1KR MOORE andfCCL are inatmctrsfto sell by anetion, TO-MORROW, Thursday, at II o'clock, on tbe Premises, Ql bo Pomt-road, near Mr. Bryant's Batcher's Shop, The building msterial of 4 houses and shops, containing about 00t feet weatherboard, 3000 to 6000 feet hardwood joists and studding, 1000 feet cedar boards, 20DO feet pilch pine flooring boards, doors, fs.hc, building stone, ana sunnnrs. BUILDKliKSf RACVORS; AND OTHERS. BUILDING MATERIALS.

BRICKR, STONE, IRON, TIMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, SASHES, 4c. SATURDAY, 8EPTBMBER 24, 3 o'clock sharp, on the Ground. GEORGE WELLS has received instructions from the Manager of the Metropolitan Mutual Permanent Building and lnrestmcnt Association TO SELL BY AUCKOJC, in rott TO SUIT PURCHASERS. THE BUILDING MATERIALS OF 100 HOUSES, on the ground. Glebe-street.

Campbell-ttreet, Denhtm-street, and Norton-street, Glebe, AU Iota to be removed within 14 dayt after day ol sale. Terms, cash. Offiee, S12, Susscx-sUcct. BOYS snd GENTLEMEN'S HONEYCOMB and TURKEY SPONGES PERFUMES and POMADES, CUTLERY FRAMED C1IRO.MOS and OLKtXIRAPHS E. P.

WARE, CUTLERY, BRUSHWARF. WRITING-DESKS, DRESSING-CASES, WOBKBOXE8 LADIES' BAGS, DOLLS, COMBS, PURSES ALBUMS, TOYS, OPErA-G LASSES, HOLLOW BALLS Ac. KKLLRTT and ALFORD will sell tho abovo goodt by suction, nt their Rooms, 132, Pitt-street, TOMORROW, at 11 tharp, without reserve. Asd st 12.43 tht following 4 cases com meal, 8 cases milk I cases blue, 1 Cheshire cheese e) AAjmat sve. those? The sale of fancy goods during the afternoon.

HAINS and PIIlLLIrS.attcftoneers, 2-3, Pttf.street, have reeelveil instrnctinrs to SELL by public auction, THIS DAY, at 1) a.m., on the premises, Howman-strcet, off Cleveland-street inear Austrian chairs and eouclirs, tables, safes, carpets, bedsteads, wash.tand ware, chests drawers, aundrira, c. Terms THIS DAY, 10 o'clock sharp, on the Ground, Aliee-street, Rt. fetert. live minutes' wtlk from Newtown Rolway Bridge.

Under Distramt for Rent. To Builders. Carpelters, and Others. PorUble CARPENTER'S w.RKSHOP, 31 13, iron root, Sundry Tlmser, ete etc. UNION AUCTIONEERING COMPANY will Ml) bv this day.

st lOs'clook sharp, on th. Ground, at above. Tenrn. eath. Offloe, 4S.Uttieteach-strett.

I Houses and Land for Sale. (J 1 A MMinivisioN. 1 IM VILLA SIT IN 15 ni.tiutsV -rnX from Croydon Malun. ok k. The rcintrkahly t.u-y mui nive mum action, a every- One ill have chance.

to per cent. -post, ami by 39 monthly paymcntf, without intirct. PAY OK SAl.r. s-vTUKhAY, orroi.u; ism, ut p. 11).

ON 'f UK i.Mll.X.). TOKKKNS ACT. Now tht, timp to indent Suburban Iurdi. IVee niii-t ad ranee. population rapidly and ww ennu-r mut f.v.l liniMt Mind settle iloun. pood nr iTtlinu M-iree, mill w'c aiien hi ihi tumuil li repeated in tii- tlin in-r and lijrhttnl The di-mund i rvcriu crc.i-inir, hut the bupply Land decrcaviijr. WATKIN nml WATKIN, S13, I int. i. hi.ii.iit. The I'U'K ct the MaKIM.

Suburb. k3 lirXTKH'8 The Tick of lliintrr' Hill HtiNNYrtlliK. As-l. the oldcDt Inhabitant there, and he Kilt tell SL'NNYSl UK. Fur Charming miSrut ing View ol Harbour, City, ami Suburbs ot' Klevattion Two -creation Hrwnra Vnr Proximitr to City Vir Convrnkicr of Aocpt, illior by earner, if preferred, lT Koad over the two Bridge liTKtnatta Kircr and Lane Cure Torrem.

Title i-ii-iit Terms Sl'XXYSlDK. srNXYsmi si x.svslDi:. srSNVilKF. ti X.VYSim:. SALK HAY, SATritDAY, KlU SElTKMlllllU WATK1N anil WATlilX, 313, "I F.DMYKK.

New, well-built, and comraudiom CO T-JVl C.K. Vcrnon-strrct bnti, 100 W0 tonuc. t'OKNKH. nir Sution. lHlVC.

inciir. HH) fwt I8ti. fivt la fib fcet road Toncus title pel toot c.iy tcitu. WAT KIN and WATKIS, .111, l'ilt-treet. BllIGUTSIDE, near (Juildford Mutinn, havinp frout-Hp' to tiulldlord Mid Doff Trnu ltoui.

utle, will be aold onS.VTL'RliAY. October WATKIX uiui WATKI. HIL.1. CHEST, Concord, near Hurwood, b.mnfr fnrnt-MKe to Wcllhnnk-roail. t'-tirview-Alfrt, nnd Ilifrh-Atreet, Torrerw' title, will be oifrred by auction, 03 Stur asy, uciowr ny im unci wa tu.

MACHONAI.DTOWN, clow to Station. Well-built 1101'SK. brick on stone, hill, 7 roonu, bath-roiHO, wuUon, kitehen; land, (0 100; frcmtaice to two ttrecu. VTKIX and WATKIS, 313, MACDONALDTOWN, Lturren-dtroot, clono" to aUtion. Fonr-rooiucd W.

Jl. COTTAliK. Watkin and Watkin. f-VUBEN'S GROV1S, tara Bub- divUion. Choirei.t Villa SITHS will be to rmblic tompeuuoQ on nad October.

WATKIS and WATK1N' MATlLUA-StKKE'f ASH KI ELD, cIom to KaRway Hrtdffe. a flrst-cUtw Family lteaideucc. Watkin and Watkin. dUMMKK-lllLL, rorner of Lome and howrannte 7 Ftiveu. That comraoriioiu family HKNIDKNCK, at prevent iecirpicd ov Ker.

j. laupnan: a great Dargatn; easy terms, WATKIN and WATKIN. A SHF1EI.D. For SALE. GOTHIC VIULA.

eon. lV toinitur 6 rooms, beidilfw kitchen and out-offices, beautiful jurden, and situaU' in one of the poiutiorut and easy dis tance rrora station. waim and i-nt-met. A SHF1KLI). Vm fufJbiulfy' C-sv built COTTAtiK VILLA, with good ntrrounniDjrs, brick on Mono, slate root, containing drawing and r.mng room, wiia cedar folding doors; 3 bedrooms, nainroom.

KKoncn. panrrr, wohboaae Torrens' Title, and terms. WATKIN and WATKIN, 313, riu-street. TTlISnOrSSIOUNT, BISUOPSMOUA'T, the Premier Mubdirision, COOCEF. 11EIGU1S.

ADJOININO TITK KKSIDIOiCK OF THE LOUD BISHOP OP SYDNEY. CHARM1NO VILLA S1TF.S. SATURDAY, 51th HGlTKMBEn, at JO. Five minutes' WALK from the Warcrlej Tramway. This property worth hupeetion.

i.itlius. ready. TXrAVERLEY. Great SALE next SATURDAY of I1TJILDIMO ALLOTMENTS. Close to Tram.


TEK HACK of 4 nrstelaMi llOL'HKH. each containinft 5 kitelieu, bathroom, watdihon, copper, Ae. FaithfuIlT' built 3t brick on stone, slated roots; land, GO I 104; good beck en tiance. BTT, KQDU, ana TTOUSE. 6 rooms, kitcucn, wosnhouse, stable, every El, cuTcnicnce In town.

Thurston, Tin. Baymarkct. EDMYRE, noar the atation7 Splendid Buil ding Site JUU ion -TO, encap. sw, OKTH S1IOEE. FOR PRIVATE SALE, near Hotel, Tht welt-knnwn fUrnomcd WeaLhcrhoard COTTAGE, with fiower garden and orchard (3 acre in all), aituated between the We: Chapel and Tolico Station.

North Willougbby, Lane Love-ruau. i newp. 4-roomed W.B. roTTAOK, iron roof (new); land feet 'ni'lir? 00 feet, fenced, t'ommnnding a pmud view, and situated it North wiliougnoy, adjoinmR mow Dray ram twiic. 11 Kfiiw loAn.

with deen water fmntatr to Middto Itarbanr, wiihin 3U0 yardj of MiUuiry-road, with good access and pltmlid JHJMUon. Tor turther particulan, applr to BARK KB and Auctionccru, tit. TCTOtt SALE, Block of LAND, 107 52, corner of Hnrncsdaie ana wooaoiirn atrecis, luaw-mi-ruau, a-mtick- rille. Apply W. Howlett, Iteffent-atmt, Kadiern.

fclOREST LODGK. For SALK. Bolgmvc-toTrao, Old JL rarranaatta-road, two anh5tannaiiy-Diii inrcc-fLory iioitkf.s. ivnicte with pTtwT conrentence aaa. water, bath.

rauttic ules in hall, vtrandttb. thirty feet of land adjoining free hold price, 1SW. Apply W1LMOT, Aewtown-roaa. COOPER. Khitr-fftrect.

Newtown, has for SALE, IT. roTTAftRS.fn.ml50tir00: Terraces. Dating lu per cent, clear 4 Acre water frontage and orchard, Putney, Parra- matta River, 850. IVERPOOL PLAINS. For SALE, LEASE of JJI 40,000 acrca of unstoeked country, about midway between i and CnoTmhurabnitL.

and 5 Luilcs from main roud. Triee, including rent, premium. '00. Jackson, 141, Pitt-it. Gn I RAN VILLE.

For SALE, a splendid Block of Land. between l.t and 14 seres has fronuuras. one of them bflinir tho railway about 10 minutes' walk from tno Merry la wis siauon title, Torrens' price, fiSOO. Terms. T.

K. Jackson, Ml, Pitnt. HOMEBUSH. For SALE, a very eonvenient Cottage BKSinENCK. in perfect order, and lit for immediate occupation contains A roonu, kitchen, servant's room, bath, stable, coachhouse, with 2 acres of land.

T. F. Jackqon, Ml. Pitfrst. TOOKWOOD.

For SALE, aomevervohoiee ALLOT i) MBNTS, from Ids tolSs p. foot term. Jackson, 141, Fitt-st, nANDWICK. For SALE. CLYTHA, having front- JLkJ am to AVOCA-STKEET of 145 feet, with depth of aboat too feet, with magnificent and uninterrupted view of Coogee valley aoa nay and i acme uceon oiso never-iauuia: supply o.

spring water, fras throuitbout. For particnlars and cards to view spply to THUS. J. STUTUUKUrlY wynyarn-orreti. A 5 1 1 I).


5 CASH and 49 monthly payments of 2 each will purchase CHOICE VILLA srTR (4 in this favourite Estate, Fine elevation, excellent views, (rood drainage. TOKRKNS' TITLE. Immediate possession. No interest. W.

L. DAVIS, Toothili-atrect, Fetenaam, a TMOIXINU PETERSHAM STATION. Blair Athol, LOT for SALK, 40 MS. flan at Richardson sad Wrench's FOB SALE, PROPERTY, 6 Hoiaaem, 130 rental price, 1140 terms. Apply IW, CoaUereagh-street.

srSAMPERDOWN. A well-built brick on stono HOUSE, 4 rooms, kitchen, hall, balcony, verandah, water loid on, situate opposite the new reserve t25. 74 cash, balance Its 3d week; really worth Inspection. OATLEY and CAIilLL, to, Hunter-street. AlTDINOTON.

Prettv RESIDENCE, brick nn atnna In nprfoflt nvder. fi rooms, hall, kitehen. botttrooni, WBshhouse, city water, large yard, and enctutnting viow; only M0; terms required. OATLEY and CAU1LL, 40, Hunter- Itreel. TADDlNGTON.

Comfortable detached RE8LDENCE JL. OTVK On SlOUe, toodih, kiicuvh, uaicimy, wc, iu (w. very clOfe to trnm oepol(. oniance as rem. mwjp.

DATLEYand CAIULL, Auctioneers, 40, Hunter-street. PETERSHAM. Prettv new RESIDENCE, brick on stone, rooms, hall, kitehen, pantry, washhonse, gas. eity water, land, 23 100, close to 'bus or rail; 630, on easy. torras.

OATLEY and uaiiill, tlunter-sireet. TVTKWTOWN. Kiusr-street A well-built COTTAGE J-vl brick on rtono, 5 ronrns, hall, kitchen, washhouse land, 33 140 to a good lane f30 400 can remain at 6 per cent, if de OATLEY and CAII1LL, 40. Hunter-street. TOElRaiiAM.Lartre family RESIDENCJi, 10 JL rooms, kitchen, hall, laundry, bathroom, pantries, balcony, rrrandah, all In nrst-clao f.rder 1300.

800 may remain at4 ner cent, if (Iclrot. OA I Lr.l r.a I. iiill.iu. iiunier-srreei. rVjWl'OWjfLAXB in AlirK-stroet, 220 feet deep, iji n.r cook's River for SALE.

Apply Donrke-st. lf Ynew List 'VnijiMiy for Sulc" now ready cull for LTja. cue. Pcr-jy U. Hove, lana aeni, i.eniwono-coun.

fllTY D'lirg Harbour, "Gco.7 Clarence, i nnrf streets. Itlixrard and 279, Pitt-street. NlllFPrSNOALri, Queen-atrect. LANl), 63 itvnhrick HOf'HE. cheap.

Blrxaard and lllttrect. 06kr 6 aeren LAND; hi)-lyiM, splendid views 40t)S lHixxart A NEW- Brick COTT Alia, at Ktona-eqnare, Asaiieia, A. for SALE APB, HORDERN'S, faTITTSTREET, are ocUing oWper thfn ever. (Seeourgreotlmnrnvernenta.) 8 IU 01 1 I I LUt WA jp iron, and Lrrery JI wJT liiis VJT VlC 'ft at i 1 TRITCII ARD baa received Inttrtuiion. k.

illi: luLLOWlNG PKUPEKI1ES. ANXAN. That MODEM and ton.rrwwily taltt Dct.hlrace. conUinmYoaR; too, thw IhsUs pantrs.Urg. kitehen, whbouw, seal Vry detached servaal'a nra, stibllng, eotcbhou, erected am an allotment ol land No.

IS of trctiea yl the North Annandslo Estate, hsrin. rrontjg. to JOllNsTON-STREETol list, by a depth ot ll tret. 1 sViT- Teruis of sale pereenl. and the balance can remain tor l.a v.ars healing interest at Ike ralcol i aer crnt.

per aanum. I1AI.M tlN Two EnglMe Two limits, rath FIGHT I.AKGI. ksttT rtjir nttiuga, giKid lull, wide vrraaett Sfd bulccni bathroom with ws'er la'4 on, largo kitchen with range, detached s.ivanfa room, lilted with shelve. also copir. stable, and eo.ichtiouse, nice sirdm in tront, and scry larce yard.

The land lia- a front geot about II lest to HOW. I RKF-S1 111.1.1 ahont kc gieat deelli ol irineeltoabaikenlraaee. I in.l, being No. 7 ol section. Hi, and 1st oi sect 1 Allotment No.

7 contain, half an sn i It a li.u.t. ice: to aiii--tici-t, hvGHiteet ot has a frontage of tti feel tc If deep, sn.l.ol. tains half un scie. ALL tn ,1 Hl.ot Ol I Np, TOW ot GOt-IORIi, bltlsUANl. AIEK, containing ball an trontutt Welt, and Melbourne uton which erected fiiMFOKTAIILK roomed HOUSE.

tji" the of tl.i. I ltl rllul.ii i. nnd admtrslilr ad.nled Isr bn -Inea- pin pesos, a. it command, one u' tin bc-t sit.iaiiun. in the lown.h.a.

Town of GIISMIRD. Lot-. GKSl UK II. liilsltics Site, w.tu icidoi.c. Salt, 1 1 Mi BAIII.Ksl.A, and lowxsiup op Al ULKN.

Atl itmeut 20 i.f sution I. Vliu, leinpc,'s Hirer, bat um a ui it feci to he a silk licnta-e to street. Altoimrut No. lui. Village of Batlera, 4ti it et 0 inches to spriar trt e'.

Two AHotrnr.ils of Lt.Vll, Stalk ViibKe ol Al ill H. Fail particulars at Aiiclion Ho-im. 2. W. FRllCHARD.

r.l.DrERN RAILWAY STAOON. SALE OF KM, IMi null Fills. A llUAN I I I of CAT slid ROUGH i RAP IKON. Al. I.MI'IY HJt.sllliAD.

I'lirrciIARD has reeen-d in-lni. tin UIAHI.I.S A. iiOODCHAP, I so Coavniis.iriKr 1st to -eii b. ptibl.c, at the Ui-dtem It.tlway S's- tton. n.

MONDAY, slil'l 10th. ut 11 o'clock sharp. TiiRiii: lofoMonvr. iuxcixKr.nii.LRs, in eueVem emdition, with brass rapper arc botes, each ol being worked up to 70 u. p.

Also, About 2tt IllKisIlEADs, HARRKLS, Ac, Ac. About 25 tt.n. wrooglit scrap iron About 1A ton liest cast scrap Alebnes and chalis At.out three tons -prin? steel A of steel 1 iv one shell bciler, one hor-c power. XO RKsliHAK. IKRMs CAsH.

NEXT saII ItliAY, 17th, at 11 o'clock a.m. ON Tilli GROUND. ON THE GROUND, AVnilOUT RESERVE. Rivr.l.s TONli! RIVERSTONE. Sl.lONll SliilUlATSION.

GREAT UNRESERVED IAND SALE. 10AVN LOTS, RAILWAY FRONTAGES, nn.l SUIll KHAN and LOTS. i'A To rii'K FROM, vaeylngin size from to over So AcRF.s, V-ACItE HI.OI ks. I ARM I.l! s. in area 17 to 31 ACRES, an ALLOTMENTS.

fair- UIVKstsroXK i vny la-r iti.prov.ez it bis the of KAII.AVAY lilll'it AliV.ANTAGIi IM1.1V: i. the seat of SEVPIt AL URGR At oll and i-. ntorwecr. in ihe CKNTRE attks lasMiired ORANGE FARMS ot S. b.

A I UODilund ri'UVES h.wc rci etved ioilructioU the ABOVE VALUABLE ESTATE, NEXT SATURDAY, 17th SEPTFiMBER, ON Till. GR'lUND, AMillOl IHE sl.IGHTE.sT RESERVE. I tUC HIVI RsroNK. al'hotich rcallv a RAILWAY SUftrglt, 1: been. l.t-lv.

Closest tn the ITHI.IC. as tht Usd it SIM ali-oit the Vl'loN f.irt.iilrs round has been in the hsnnset RICH The lar-jearea knoa'n us the RIVKR-SI'oNt. KSIAIK I-now in the toatket lor hale, offering oppsr- t'Miitire to all t.i purchase ot tbe riehe-t land in tht i CO! Oi Cl'MltFHI-AND, on the E.lslrisT TtllMS. Tl rl.1- TIliiRliXS' ACT. T.TI.K-TORItENS' ACT.

Tl RMs REMAKJiARI.Y EASY, JHy If' CEN r. isll, 13 percent, in 3 months, ut tiie nil.VNCM in 3 euiisl instalments. at months nom DATE of SALE, with 6 per cent, interest added. LARGE SALE PLAN. and CARD rLAXSoIths Estatc al the ROOMS.

PLANS mac alx be OBTAINED at Mr. REED'S BOAT. Sllhlt, FIGIKIX PDINI, 11ALMA1N. REFRESH AtEXTS TICKET OX'LY. V- TICKETS for tiie SPECIAL TRAIN (which starts from liRN STATION at 0.123 a.m on day of sale) aicX'On READY, and obtainable trom the AUCIIONEERS.


PLANT, LEASE, and ether Property of the COMSTOCK GOLD and SILVER MINING COMPANY. Jr THE MINE, which it a VERY VALUABLE ONE, vi report of an independent mining surveyor IMr. A1 Johnson) lately made, is situate in the COUNIA of COlJle. BURN, between tho UPPER MURRAY and JOAXJA CHEEK. Ourlnc.

about nn miles from Al.BfRA COBSt LINK OF COACHES running within 13 mllet of 1st pn perty. BATT, RODD, and ri'HVES havo received fattrr' tlor.s from the MORTGAGEE, to sell by PUBUIAtO' HON, al tlteir Laud Sale Room. 68, riu-strcet, on THURSDAY, Ihe 2ind SEPTEMBER NEXT, at II. sou. TnE WHOLE of the Companv's P'operty.

ttfhjfaj the LEASE, PI-ANT, BI.II.D1NGS, sad AALUBM MACHINERY', which con j.u of Ten flO) HORSE POWER ENGINE, Boiler A tire-bend stamp battery, witb tables 1 wo Brown and AValson's concentrator Together with all tbe utual tools and sundries. THE BUILDINGS are of wood, principally slabs, witb ssitfltl roof, while some oi the outbuildings arc roofed ith bark. The MINE itself has a length of 2120 feet on the lite of Ms from tho EAS1 URN to AVESTERN boundary. FURTHER PARTICULARS, PLAN of the Mine, siul Jum vcvor's Report on application to Sir. 8.

M'DonncU, 312, lorsw stl'eet, or from the AUCTIONEERS, n.ATT. nOjMALtml rijRAEji, Notite. BALMORAL. BALMORAL. BALMORAL The Oldest Mtrine Picnic and Pleatii re Grounds In the colosyi and the grandest spot in Middle Harbour.

BAR KER and CO. (St. Leonards) tovorecciied ifistroe-tiont lo sell bv public suction, on the Gronnd, on SAim DAA, tho Slh of Octolier, at 3 o'clock, The whole of the above estate, which Is now betogswa. divided into half-acre blocks, by Mr Liceesed biirrejoi AV, II. Bin-teasl.

UUM MessT. JULIAN and BORI.ASE, 62, Hunter-street, rknieltotl for tbe Vendors. F'lirlherparlicularsseefiitirivjssnc 2 HOUSES, newlv boilt, tituated Garden-street, Marnrkvllle, brick ml datlon. each containing 4 rooms and kitchen, Ulcoay, sua verandah. Land having 10 feet fronttgo by 130 feet deep.

By Order of tho Mortgagees. VAUGIIAN has received Instructions tfl suction, on THURSDAY, 29th 11.30 OCWSf sl hi lleines, 132. King-Street East, Torrens' title. Term at sale. Mr.

A. POFU, Fli.ibeth-strert. Solicitor for vendors. Lsut)l'sMolNr ItlSllOl'SMOtM. HISIIOPAIOUNf.


Five minutes' WALK from the Wavcrley Traniway. This Dronctu It worth utttio Lithoi. tesds. umux now ns.s.v.

u. it 21. mimi i lo.i HV'HH Ktnlev-Hlm-t Itx le, 11, J41.I tt 13 Sater rn.ii'at-ie, 1 3U tn I il. br Jit' deep. l'liOPKlITY.

i lArrneirert, lei iWi. CROYlHN.lldininjiton on Lircipik'l Uo.u., Z. fnut-d, adiuiiitiitf tNMOHK. W. O.tuce, I ro.m-.

t. pit; I. b.ltiire li- wivL. Unci, bl ui i 12 a hu V. UM Mtlir ftllali IMi W.iler I r.

HIIAKOI, ('4trlltwiri I :i.iii i lovia- and kit hen, whhour, ktuMe, Ac. Wnd, I.KlCnilARnr.- I Swi.W 1 n.d, 1K1; miall moil iwl tncr, lo- 'tl wvek I.IVKUl'UH,('muVv V.ilr. fr I-U I. 2. Jinl 4 ti liV-U rt tot'jnley-nUcct ny fivt dreii.

uKitit li.irrcn Andita ilot-r to lM, lront- itift two niiidit rETKKSllAM. Vifwllriht, New Cantnlmry-rortd, iomtt Ml 1-0; U.1U( llTUlv UEOMYRF. SpU-mlid (00 tret t'i UoodKAlil T. nuc, t'K) feet to llatlw otml, tr to AlviTtm llu ul. WAYfcHLhY.

VickiTy-trcPt, hLop and Uwrilinp-lutu ol I VKKI.KY, lrn View lt1r. VII. 40. loci WATKKLOO, Coit.i.T, 4 room. Vc.

stnuli di'iioit' Am I a wilt. i'lRt'l'liAKof I'mpfitirv t'oruui'l'-il in I'AKSONS ifrn. ritt-trrr-t. VU 1' A li i A J.

E. Mirlinir-iitrert, l'ftlfrrn, UOI 4 wm and ktielirn. wali-houo, Trrandah, utd b'iltDT. fide mtiwner, garden and thorongrily wrllbuill. let n.t, it ntiuursi.

tKUi. W. AilMNS rnipwty Aput, 1TJ, IMt-i'trrct. HORPKKN'S, in PITT-STUKET, uro wllinj; cliearor than CTcr. (See ffret lmprmrinniifc.) Auction Saks.

ISHOPSMOCNT, nisiioi'SMorxr. MSIlOPSVorNT. the I'rtniier htaHliriMen. roosrK AIMOININO THE HKMIU NCi: OF THE l.OUU blMlOP Ol' KYUXl V.

ii.l siti. MTFRD.IT, tb ftRFTKMIIFtt. at J.S. minutes WALK h.mi the Waveriry Tramway. This preperlr is worth inspection.

Lithoi. rradv. UOhVSKii, VKIHCLK-i. and HAuM. bv THIS lAY.

at aillota not bpccially adTcrtiaed. at li o'cVoek, alt lou KefTuiar tiaica at tLo Baxaar daily. at tampentown any afternoon. In Um department eh.rv mox'crate, ani st of Eora.

TWO AYRSHIRE COWS. KISS has reorived inatruorions from the ownartoaell bv auction, at the lUaar, Till I i 2 ftplrndid'AT-nbire eovrit, with ealrca at, milker, and be ituaranterd. 3 ISAUULE and UARNESs. XIOHSKS. KISS has rrcoivrd inKtrurdona fntm the rtwner to aell bv auctiuu, at tbo Haram, Piiuttreei i)Ai weUDewUy, at 12, loek.

Well-bred bay gelding, i eat. by Actmty, broken to aaaine anu A naeful brown neldintr, broken to farldle and bamrtfi Black pony reldiofr, 14 hands, broken to aaddle and bar- ncaa, and nsed to children. BUGCY and 3 SETS of GEORGE KISS has rwived iDatrnetiona from Hunt, by anetion, ai tbe Uaxaar, THIS DAY, Wcdncadtry, at 13 o'clock. A dou blc-ea ted buasr. witb brake, ranai to new aiao, two (rood acts of buggj barney, all loi without iwaerTr.

Light One-horee BreuRham, Horae, and Harnea i EORGE KISS has reoetved instructions from th -A exeratorii ol the late Mm. Itown to aril by auetion, at tho uaxaar, nu-wrcrt, tuis put, wenneaday, at is o'Cioca, A nnc noweriiu enenmit ffeMiutT. vearaoiu. Ttrv quict, atand anrwhere in town alo, light one-hone hrouirham and In eanttal order. N.B.

Thia reallv a llratclaas turn-out. and one that can not rawly be proenred in thin market it ia lor atwolnte aale. VICTORIA. P1E0KGE KISS bits roooivrd inalrurticnB from P. Ouilioylo, Etq to aell by auction, at the tiacaar, ru-aiuivnuw, luurcoay, atn'o ciocK, A aeeoud-bmnd icutria oarriatt' in joon order.

DRAUGHT STALLION, YOUNG GEORGE KISS bus reertred infraction from Mr. R. Robarta, Terry Mount, to aell by auction, at the Uaaar, rm-awret, kkmujuiuw, Tnnntuay, at r.F ciock. lounr Conooerrir. 6 Tears old.

or Old oroneror dam by Clinker dam by Clydewiale Ac. TOORUUOHBRy.I YOlNtt PROMlSL. TTEORGE KISS has iwived instmettons from li Mott. Boiblla, to aell by auction, nt the Haiaar, IS1MY. nt lio'clock.

Youck Promise, brown horc rising 4 year, by Promiae, by mi rid rear out ul Lady -tiary, ny uiaucua, 5iC. full particulan. at aale. Spring and Pognel (Xrts American and Colonial built Wiieeons Baggies. Sociables, and Waggonette.

WILLIAM rXGLISand CO. will sell by taction, at tho Basaar, Tills DAY, at 12 o'clock. Spring snd pignel esrts. American and colonial built wag gone, buggies, sociables, gigs, A-c. Horse and Carriage Raraar, 344.

Pitt-street, WILLIAM DiGLIS and CO. will sell bv auction, at the lUaaar, Itt, Prtt-slieet. oorosite Sehoal ot Arte, late Gibson's. and MS, DAY. at II o'clock, Uorwcs, vehicles, ore.

and at Campordown anv afternoon. The forage of best decription, charges moderate, and every attention paid to stock sent in for sate or livery. bR.klOUt,llAiuNl:s.S,7.nd LiCHf HOUSES, to be sold at WILLIAM LNGLIS and Bazaar, 2ft, Pitt-Street. WILLIAM INOLIS and CO. have reecivcS tnsrrne-tiont to sell by auction, at the Baxaar, THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock.

0 toddle and hameea horses, in good condition 12 carl horses, subject to trial. Doubte-ecatrd Abbott Buggy. yrTI.LIAM INOLI8 and CO. havo received initrac-Tf tionstmm John Bcomett, to seD by auction, at the THIS DAY. at octock, A dtouMe-eeated Abbott buggy, with pole and shafts, in nrst-rqtc omer, SUPERrORMILCrTCOW to be soid at William InrUs and Baaar.

244. Pitt-strert, THIS DAY, Wednesday, at 12 o'clcck. WILLIAM INOLIS and CO. havo received instructions from the owner to sell hv aoction, at the Bazaar, THIS DAY. the ttth instant, at 12 o'clock, A newly calved cow, with calf at foot, described as one ot thehest milch cows tn stydnev.

DOrBLE -SEATED HOODED BUGGY. WILLIAM INGLIS and CO. havo received instrne-tions from John T. Bodd. Eaqs to tell by auction, at the Baxaar, THIS DAY.

at 12 o'clock, A double-seated hooded buggy (Jenny find pattern), with pole, shafts, lamps, end mail patent all in excellent order. Alse, A set of double harness, soaking an excellent turnout for any person requiring a good article. SniGLE-HEAT BUGGY. 2 SETS HARNESSJ TCO6GR0VE has received instructions to sell "by auction, at the Baxaar, ISO, Castlcreagh-ltrcet, THIS DAY, at 12 o'clock. The above.

COSGROVK has received mstrnotions to sell bv 'LLML-i auction, at tho Baxaar, 180, Castlrrcaib-street, THIS DAY, 11 o'clock. 9 new tip drayt 1 new van. Ll "COSGROVK will soil by auction, at th, Banar, ISO, CkwSJeraatTlMtrMt. THIS DA Y. at 12 o'sksek, 1 of the grwedast wldlc and narnest eelts in tbe city etn yamp 4 ftwt, and a great trotter 1 grand naeknev, up to 14 atone 3 heavy arwugux horses 1 good cab horse 1 tirst -class ouggy none.

PAT STOCK FOR THURSDAY. BRUNKEB mi WOLFE have received instruction to tell by auction, at nomebush, on THURSDAY, the Uth instant, at 11 o'clock, 60 prune and weighty fat cows, from Oollymongte, Messrs, Pearae and Clarke. At ElUt and Yards, Prime fat steep Prime fat laanbt 1 Ex steamer. Prime fat pigs HARRISON. JONES, and DEVLIN ha v.

roeeivod tnatrnetions totell auetion, at Homebutb, en THURSDAY, the 13th, at 11 o'clock, 2000 prune fat wethers, oa account of The Feel River from CurrawiiUnghl by rail, and represented to weigh lbs. 300 prime fat wethers, M'NIckle 100 ditto ditto ewes, Beaumont Brothers. And at Ellis and at 2.30. 200 Ut latnbf flrothera 2S0 ditto ditto, S. H.

De llanicl 200 ditto ditto, MOllcklc. TRADE NOTICE. MAIDEN, HILL, and CLARK are instrncted to aril by auction, at the Association Yards, Ilimcbush, on THURSDAY, 16th instant, 170 head prime fat cattle, for Messrs. Hill and Hector, Arawbev MM prime fat sheep, for A. Tobfai, Wingadce, CIULLIVAN itnd SIMPSON havo received instructions from John Brown.

to bv unction, at the Associa tion Yards, Honicbusli, on THURSDAY next, the I jth lntnt, at o'olock, lock, 103 extraordinary prime and weighty fit cattle, In lots, from the famous oouianus estate. BUTCHERS. BUTCHERS BUTCUEKS. WFULLAGER and SON have received inetrootlona a from John Crowley, to sell, at Homebush, on THURSDAY. Ilth September, at 11 o'clock, to prune niwcxs.

cash. fXORDERN'S, in P1TT-8TREKT, an elht XI ihooever. (8c. out great Im.rovemenl.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.